Our Teams

To take a trivial example

To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Lorenzo Pope

Lorenzo Pope

Interaction Designer

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Perry Larson

Perry Larson

Sales Manager

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Darren Klein

Darren Klein

Experience Designer

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

For Investers

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